Jumat, 24 Juni 2016

My Exam Hangover

I've had my comprehensive exams. I had comprehensive OSCE on Thursday, June 16th and comprehensive CBT on Tuesday, June 21st. Now I'm waiting for the result.

After exam I feel this condition I call exam hangover. I was curious to find out whether other people ever call it exam hangover so I google it. I found two proper results.

One result is from Urban Dictionary. According to Urban Dictionary, exam hangover is that period between the end post-secondary exams and the next day you can think. I also found an article, "A Remedy for Your University Exam Hangover".

I haven't done much during this exam hangover. I definitely don't study medical stuff (sorry). I borrow a novel from local library but I haven't even started reading it. I haven't written a letter for my German penpal (please wait patiently, dear). I want to buy flowers and arrange them but I'm currently saving my money for something else. 

In that article I share the link above, the writer experience 4 week exam hangover. I hope mine is shorter. Now I'm going to open the novel I borrow.

Jumat, 17 Juni 2016

Voronezh or Sarov

"I've always wanted to visit Russia," I told the Russian scientist.

"You have nothing to do in Russia."

"I want to watch ballet in Bolshoi. Seriously."

"Eheu! Ballet in theatre. Red square. **** that. If you want to visit Russia, go to Voronezh or Sarov."

"What can I do in Voronezh or Sarov?"

"Drink bad beer, smoke a cigarette, and start hating the world."

"I neither drink beer or smoke but I can take part on that 'hating the world' "

"You will start when you arrive in Voronezh."


  • The conversation above actually happened between a Russian friend and me. I searched for Voronezh and Sarov in Google and I found that Voronezh looks like typical European city while Sarov, as Wikipedia said, is closed as it is the Russian centre for nuclear research. If you have ever visited or even lived in Voronezh, could you please tell me why my friend said that way about the city?
  • "Eheu!" is Latin word which means "Alas!" or "Oh my God!" (according to Google translate and my friend).
  • Just in case you know me in real life and worry about my health, I feel the need to state this once again. I don't smoke. I don't drink alcoholic beverage.

Senin, 06 Juni 2016

When You Lose Your Playful Mood

I haven't felt well lately but I have been in playful mood. I studied for comprehensive exam then I made something like cubeecraft or flower crown. I was just excited to make crafts that I felt okay despite the illness.

My mood changed when I heard a bad news from a friend. A friend of mine, also a medical student, has been lost since Saturday. By "lost" I really mean that no one sees him or hear anything from him. He didn't even bring his phone.

It's sad. Now we, all of his friends, are worried. His parents have informed the police and we try to contact and inform as many people as possible to help us, just in case anyone sees our friend.

The illness almost doesn't bother me at all now because this bad news has bothered me enough.