Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015

Two Awards in One Post (Why You Shouldn't Procrastinate for a Long Time)

A long while ago, Shruti nominated me for "Very Inspiring Blogger" award. I accepted that award but I haven't made post about that. And yesterday, abyssbrain nominated me for "The Real Neat Blog" award. I guess I can't procrastinate the award post any longer.
I decide to write about those awards in one post. 

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I want to thank Shruti for nominating me. 
Hi dear. You're a  good friend. Thank you for the nomination and I'm sorry that I procrastinating for a long time to write this post. Also, thanks for your support (hug).
You should visit her blog. She writes some poems and my favourite one is "Somehow". 
The rules of "Very Inspiring Blogger" award are listed below.
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. List the rules and display the award.
3. Share 7 facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their blogs to let them know you nominated them.

I actually have written a post "7 Facts about Me" but here I write 7 more facts about me.

1. I take Myers-Briggs Type Indicator tests several times and my result varies. I've ever gotten INTP, INFP, and ISFP. In spite of my lack of artistic skill, I think I'm an ISFP (the artist).
2. I'm type 7 of enneagram of personality: the enthusiast.
3. I like watching ballet and my favourite dance is Odile part in Swan Lake. 
4. I like Harry Potter and I think my trait is combination of Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, and Draco Malfoy.
5. I'm bad at remembering name and face. Often, I remember someone's name but I forget the face or I remember the face but I forget the name.
6. I play minesweeper
7. I'm not so "active" in social media. I have facebook and twiter accounts but I rarely update my twitter. Social media is overwhelming for me and I sometimes wonder how people can join many social medias and update all of them, like, they have facebook, twitter, instagram, path, etc. 

The Real Neat Blog Award

Dear abyssbrain, thanks for nominating me. 
I was nominated by abyssbrain from Mathemagical Site. You should visit that blog since it's about math and it contains magic.
The rules of "The Real Neat Blog" award are listed below.
1. Put the award logo on your blog.
2. Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
3. Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blogs.
4. Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs.
5. Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blogs, etc).

Let me answer the questions.
1. What do you normally watch on YouTube?
I watch various videos. I watch Easy RussianLearnArabicWithMaha, and Easy German when I want to learn language. I watch Lisa Eldridge when I just want to watch make up tutorial (I really just watch. I'm a bit lazy to do make up). I also watch AmazingPhil, danisnotonfire, ItsWayPastMyBedTime, KickThePj, and nigahiga.  
2. Doesn't "expecting the unexpected" make the unexpected expected?
For me, "expecting the unexpected" means you should prepare your "steel mental" if you don't get what you want.
Yes, the unexpected can be expected so everything is expected (what?!).
3. What is the funniest book that you have read?
Any book from Asterix series.
4. Do you think that the universe is infinite or not?
I guess the universe still have limit.
5. What motivates you to improve yourself?
I motivate myself. Even motivational book or speech means nothing if I don't even motivate myself.
6. When did you last jog or run?
Two days ago (Friday, March 28th), I ran a little in a mall with my friend. Don't worry, it was just a "silly running" (is there such thing?).
7. If you could have any animal as a pet, which would you choose?
I want to have sky bison like Appa in Avatar: the Last Airbender. 

My questions:
1. What do you like about blogging?
2. What is one thing that annoys you?
3. If you are a university student, what is your major? Why did you choose to study it? If you are not a university student, what do you like to study?
4. Do you have any favourite TV show? What is it and why do you like it?
5. If you were a fictional character, who would you be? Please explain your answer.
6. Other than social media and blog, what website do you often visit?
7. Do you get strange dream when you sleep? Could you share a story about one of your strange dreams?


The blogs I nominate are:
1. (she's a medical student who likes cosplay; she's also my friend in real life)
2. (another friend in real life; he used to study medicine but now he studies accounting)
4. (it's about math and it's magical)
5. (visit her blog and find amazing stories)
6. (she likes neurology; ask her something!)
9. (read the stories written by Tabby, Fluffy, and sometimes Nera in their pawpad)
13. (read the stories of an au pair)
14. (see her lovely painting and drawing)
17. (they love science)
18. (a blog about cat)

To those people I nominate, 
In this post I write two awards: the very inspiring blogger and real neat blog awards. You can choose one award, two, or none. 

Jumat, 27 Maret 2015

Friday Lecture Note: Theories of Aging

This week, I started studying geriatrics. 

What is geriatrics?

Geriatrics is a field in medicine that studies about elderly and diseases related to aging.

There are many theories of aging. One of the most popular theories is telomere theory. It says that everytime there is mitotic cell division, the telomere part of the DNA shortens. The shortens the telomere, the more difficult the cell to divide. Then the cells finally die.

Another theory is metabolism theory that was proposed by McKay in 1935. It says that when calorie intake is reduced, the body does less metabolism then the release of hormones that cause cell proliferation (e.g. insulin and growth hormone) is reduced. It causes growth disturbance which then leads to delay of degenerative process. Then it makes long life. In short, it says, "If you eat less, you can't grow well but you will stay young." My mother agree sto this theory since she has lower appetite than the rest of my family.

What's your theory of aging?

Martono, Hadi. 2014. Buku Ajar Geriatri (Ilmu Kesehatan Usia Lanjut) Edisi V. Jakarta: Badan Penerbit FK UI

Kamis, 26 Maret 2015

El Cascabel

A penpal from Texas told me about mariachi, folk music from Mexico. She gave me a link to her favourite version of the song El Cascabel and it now becomes my favourite, too.
Here is the link: Mariachi Vargas - El Cascabel
I like that version. It's so festive that I want to dance when I listen to it.

Rabu, 25 Maret 2015

Clumsy and Awkward: My Experience with Child Patients

I'm the first and only child. It means that I don't have younger sibling. It also means that I don't have a lot of experience with kids.
I often feel clumsy and awkward around kids. And today, my friends and I had to try to examine children in "Puskesmas" (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat - Center of Community Health). If you know the proper English word for Puskesmas, please let me know.
Examining child younger than 5 years old is more difficult than examining adult. For example, we're told to examine respiratory rate and check the lung sound if the kid coughs or has difficulty breathing. The problem is, when I put my stethoscope on the kid's chest, he or she starts crying. Not only crying, they may move to avoid me. I also met a kid who was okay with us but he can't stand still so we couldn't measure his height.
To make conclusion: I failed to examine properly.

Selasa, 24 Maret 2015

What Should I Write? (2)

I shared the WordPress version of my previous post in WordPress Community Pool and lilypup said that the post left her hanging. She asked, "What sort of topics are you thinking of? Have professors suggested anything? Is there any area you feel passionate about?" I think about psychiatry and physiology. The professors don't suggest me anything. I'm passionate about psychiatry, ear, and reproductive health. Since I like psychiatry and a friend suggested me to write about it, let's talk about psychiatry.
I have been interested in psychiatry even before I enter medical school. I'm also interested in neurology but let's save it for another post.
If I have to write a thesis on psychiatry, I consider writing about depression, anxiety, or ADD. I'm interested in depression because sometimes people don't realise that they're depressed. Anxiety sounds good to write since everyone has experience with it. I also want to know more about ADD because my close friends diagnose me with ADD.
What do you think? Whom should I get data from?

Senin, 23 Maret 2015

What Should I Write?

I'm in my third year of medical school and soon I'm going to write a "skripsi". How do you call it in English? Thesis? Dissertation? Paper?
I haven't decided what I should write yet. 
I spent two years of medical school in "darkness" so I don't know which field is interesting or easy to write. Some fields are interesting to learn but painful to write. Others are not interesting to learn but easy to write.
I guess I should read first.

Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015

Lecture Note: First Aid for Choking

Yesterday I couldn't post "Friday Lecture Note" so I post Saturday lecture note instead. This week I got lecture about emergency condition in pediatrics. 
One condition that sometimes (or often) happens is choking. Choking causes airway obstruction and it can be dangerous. 
What should we do when someone chokes? American Red Cross recommends a "five and five" approach which means 5 back blows then 5 abdominal thrust (Heimlich maneuver) for conscious individual.
If an infant chokes and still conscious, you can do back slaps and chest thrusts (watch the video to see how to perform it). If a child is choking, you can perform Heimlich maneuver by putting your hands on the child's bellybutton and pushing inward and upward like this. The Heimlich maneuver for adult is almost the same to that for a child. 
In addition, please read the articles from Mayo Clinic and MedlinePlus

Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

Fetal Circulation

I actually wanted to write about congenital heart disease. However, to understand congenital heart disease, we should first understand the difference between fetal and newborn circulation. In this post, I will explain how fetal circulation works.
The oxygenated blood from placenta is carried by vena umbilicalis to the liver. Some blood is bypassed to ductus venosus. After that, the blood is carried to vena cava inferior.
From vena cava inferior, the blood goes to atrium dextrum (right atrium). One third of the blood pass through foramen ovale to atrium sinistrum (left atrium), then to ventriculus sinistrum (left ventricle). It is then circulated to heart, brain, and upper extremities.
What about the two third of the blood? Two third of the blood is mixed with vein blood from upper body. It then enters ventriculus dexter (right ventricle) and is pumped to arteri pulmonalis. Most of the blood passes ductus arteriosus and goes to aorta descendens. A little of the heart enters pulmonary circuit.
How does the circulation adapt when the baby is born? I will write about that in the future.
1.  If you find that I make mistake in this post, either the mistake in anatomical term or the pathway, please tell me.
2. If you’re confused or want to ask something about fetal circulation, just ask.
3. If the picture can't be seen clearly, please let me know.

Kliegman, Robert M in Behrman, Richard E. 2010. Esensi Pediatri Nelson ed. 4. Jakarta: EGC.
Marieb, E. and Hoehn, K. (2013). Human anatomy & physiology. Boston: Pearson.

Selasa, 17 Maret 2015


I have a list of prompts just in case I run out of idea of blog post. However, now that I run out of idea and am tired, I'm lazy to write things using the prompt list.
I guess I should just take time to rest.

Jumat, 13 Maret 2015

Friday Lecture Note: Four Things a Doctor Should Have

This Friday Lecture Note is not about any medical condition. It's an advice that a pediatrician gave to us in a lecture today.
She said, "To be a doctor, you should have at least four things.
1. Eagle's eyes
The more you have experience with patients, you will be able to know your patient's condition only by looking at them.
2. Steel mental
If you can't stand looking at blood and injury, if you can't stand hearing harsh comment, don't be a doctor.
3. Angel's heart
You will stay awake while many people sleep, to be in emergency department or to help those in operating room. You will surely be tired. If you don't really do it to help people then it will be difficult.
4. Lady's hands
Especially when you do palpation, do it in smooth and gentle way. Or if you someday become a surgeon, don't suture like the way you stitch a gunny sack. Learn how to make good suture."

The lecture she gave was about congenital heart disease and now I have to rearrange my lecture note before sharing it in my blog.

Kamis, 12 Maret 2015


One of my questions in Liebster Award is about favourite word and the answers are various. There are onomatopoeia, inspiration, mamma, and popliteal. I asked that question because I'm interested in language and here are some of my favourite words from some languages

1. Jawa
Garwa iku bojo. Ing kerata basa, garwa iku sigaraning nyawa.
Garwa means wife or husband in Javanese. In kerata basa (I will explain about it in the future, hopefully), garwa is sigaraning nyawa (literally means a split of soul).

2. Indonesia
Karena saya lama gak naik sepeda.
Sepeda means bicycle. Because I haven't rid bicycle for a long time.

3. English
When you're bored, try to add a little more fantasy to your life.

4. Русский
Моя мама и я смотрим “Маша и Медвед” Следы НевиданныхЗверей. Маша гоборит “Корову” но моя мама слышит “Kerupuk”.

My mom and I watch "Masha and the Bear" Track of Unknown Animal. Masha says "Корову" (pronounced karovu, it means cow) but my mom hears "Kerupuk".

5. Deutch
Das Wort “Blume” klingt schön und ich möchte Blume kaufen.
The word "Blume" (it means flower) sounds nice and I want to buy flower.

6. Chinese
I haven't learned Chinese again for a long time so I forget many words. My favourite words are 癌 and 爱. Both words are pronounced "ai" but with different tones. 癌 means cancer while 爱 means love. It's interesting that with different tone, a nice word which means love can be cancer. Learn more about tone in Chinese language here.

7. Arabic
كيف is pronounced "kaifa" and it means "how". I just like the way it sounds.

8. Hebrew
בית is pronounced "bayet" (or bayit?) and it means home. If you know Arabic you will notice that it sounds similar to the word "bait" in Arabic which also means home.

9. Latin and Greek
There are many medical terms derived from Latin or Greek. For example, in sternum (breastbone), there are manubrium sterni and processus xiphoideus. Manubrium means handle in Latin while xiphoid means sword-like in Greek.

If you know any of those languages and notice that I make mistake, please let me know.

Selasa, 10 Maret 2015

Hungry at Night

It's 22.49 at night and I'm hungry. I become hungrier after watching Fung Bros' video "TOP 5 FRIED RICES".

Senin, 09 Maret 2015

Little Talk about Prefrontal Cortex

Prefrontal cortex is a region in the brain that is involved with intellect, recall, and personality. It's also useful in judgement, planning, and problem solving. This part of the brain develops slowly and it's fully mature at the age of 20s and the development is influenced by social environment. Read more about the changes here.
Since this region develops slowly, when my friend said, "My crush is a good guy but I think he's not mature yet," we "casually" concluded that the prefrontal cortex of my friend's crush wasn't fully mature yet.

References, (2008). Young Adult Development Project. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Mar. 2015].
Marieb, E. and Hoehn, K. (2013). Human anatomy & physiology. Boston: Pearson.

Minggu, 08 Maret 2015

I Watched Karate

Today (Sunday, March 8th), I watched karate tournament with my friend for our magazine article.
The tournament was held by karate club in my university and it was great because it was the first time I watched karate match in real life. I also found that there was team kumite. 
What is kumite anyway? 
In karate tournament there are two main categories: kumite and kata. Kumite is sparring. Kata is movement demonstration.
When an official told me that there is team kumite, I imagine a group of 4 people fight against a group of 4 people, all on one tatami. I was wrong (of course!). The sparring is still one on one. To make it clear, I suggest you to watch YouTube video on team kumite because I can't explain it properly.

Sabtu, 07 Maret 2015

My Favourite Poems

One of my favourite Indonesian poets is Sapardi Djoko Damono. Many of his poems are short and composed with simple words. I wrote some of his poems in a post before. 
I recently found translation of some poems by Sapardi Djoko Damono. I personally think that translating poem is difficult and often, the translation doesn't create the same emotion as the original one. However, there are some good English translation that I want to share. Here I will write both Indonesian and English versions.

Aku Ingin

aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana:
dengan kata yang tak sempat diucapkan
kayu kepada api yang menjadikannya abu

aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana:
dengan isyarat yang tak sempat disampaikan
awan kepada hujan yang menjadikannya tiada

The poem was then translated by John. H. McGlynn.

I Want

I want to love you simply:
in words not spoken
tinder to flame which transforms it to ash

I want to love you simply:
in signs not expressed
clouds to the rain which makes them evanesce

That "Aku Ingin" poem is quite popular here. It talks about love in simple words while the meaning may not be so simple.

Another good translation that I found is "In Children's Hands" from the original work, "Di Tangan Anak-anak".

Di Tangan Anak-anak

Di tangan anak-anak, kertas menjelma perahu Sinbad
yang tak takluk kepada gelombang, menjelma burung
yang jeritnya membukakan kelopak-kelopak bunga di hutan;
di mulut anak-anak, kata menjelma Kitab Suci.

"Tuan, jangan kauganggu permainanku ini."

That poem was translated by Harry Aveling and became like this one below.

In Children's Hands

In children's hands, paper becomes Sinbad's boat
unconquered by the waves, become a bird
whose calls open flowers in the forest;
in children's mouths, the word is Sacred.

"Hey mister, please leave my game alone."

The interpretation can vary. So let your imagination show you what this poem is about.

Note: If I make mistake in writing the poems, please let me know because in poem, every letter, mark, and space matters.

Jumat, 06 Maret 2015

Friday Lecture Note: Macrosomia

The first subject I study this semester is pediatrics. In schedule, I have to study it for 3 weeks which are technically 2 weeks of lecture and a week of other things.
I once said that I would share what I learn so here we go.

In group discussion, we talked about neonate. What is neonate? Neonate or newborn is a baby who is 4 weeks old or younger. Normal newborn weighs 2500 to 4000 grams. However, if the mother has diabetes, her child can be heavier. The condition of newborn with excessive birth weight is called macrosomia. How can it happen? If a mother's blood glucose level is high, then the fetus blood glucose level will be high, too. Fetus' pancreas produce more insulin to respond to high glucose level. Insulin in fetus also function as growth hormone. Thus, fetus becomes bigger for his age. Macrosomia can be prevented if a mother control her blood glucose level.

YouTube Crush

I have three close friends in university and we often watch YouTube video together. Two of my friends and I have YouTube crush.
The girl who has "the loveliest ex" has a crush on Anthony Padilla from Smosh. One of her favourite video from Smosh is "MEME FACES IN REAL LIFE". If you don't know Anthony, he's the one wearing pink (?) T-shirt in that "Meme" video. My friend once said, "Anthony Padilla is handsome but he's not afraid to look ugly or silly."
The girl who want "From This Moment On" to be played in her wedding day watches BuzzFeed video a lot. Her YouTube crush is Nick Zephyrin. She likes Nick's video "Awkward Moments When You Flirt". I also like that video because it's just relatable to people who flirt.
What about me? My YouTube crush is PJ Liguori. He's a genius. I like how he put colour in his videos. Watch his "MAGICAL RAINBOW ADVENTURE" video and try it if you have enough crayons and you think it's fine to do that.

Rabu, 04 Maret 2015

Did You Really Work?

I'm watching a video about fluids by Khan Academy. I haven't finished watching. I've just laughed when the narrator says, "Work is force times distance." That is right. I laughed because I remembered what my mother said long time ago.
One day, after getting not-so-good mark, someone said, "But I've worked hard." I actually forget who said it. It was either I or my mom's student. My mother responded by saying, "Work is force times (distance of) displacement. If your force doesn't cause any 'distance' then your work is zero." My mom can be what people call "tiger mom" sometimes.
Let's talk about work in physics term. According to the Physics Classroom, "When a force acts upon an object to cause a displacement of the object, it is said that work was done upon the object." 
In that link to the Physics Classroom, there are some examples of work and not-work. An easy example that is often used is, when I push a wall and the wall doesn't move, it means that the distance of displacement is zero. And, no matter how much force I give, if it's multiplied by 0 then the result is 0. Thus, my work is 0. Another example: I push a car toy and it moves. It means that there is work.
So, next time you work on something, make sure that your force causes "displacement".
While writing this post, I asked my mother, "Mom, what did you said long time ago? Work is force times displacement?" She said, "Yes. If the object isn't displaced then the work is 0." I asked again, "So if I fail in my test then my work is zero?" My mom responded, "That's right." 
Note again:
In Indonesian language, we use the term "perpindahan" which means displacement when talking about this physics topic. We don't use the term "jarak" which means distance in this case.

Selasa, 03 Maret 2015

What Makes It Good?

I watched some old videos by PJ Liguori and I got strange feeling when I watched "A story about a friend". In the video, there are PJ and his friend. The friend is in animated version.
Actually, I don't really catch what PJ says in the video but, only seeing it, I feel a little sad. It's not usual sadness. I just feel like I lose something. I've ever said that when I watch something and I can not only watch but also feel, then it's more than good. And that video is my favourite from KickThePj.

Senin, 02 Maret 2015

Weekly Doodle: Sun and Snow Buttercups

This week's theme for weekly doodle is sun. I wanted to draw a sun and snow buttercup flower because the flower has heliotropism (the ability to move toward the sun). However, I found it difficult to draw snow buttercup so here is the result:

Minggu, 01 Maret 2015


I sit on a mat. A laptop on my lap. My notebook and pediatric textbook on my side. I've read the textbook and taken some notes. I'm ready for the group discussion tomorrow. I'm ready for the new semester.
Hopefully, everything is all right.