Sabtu, 04 Juli 2015

Seven More Facts about Me

I got a "Beautiful Blogger Award" from Owlivia (Untainted and Odd). Thank you, Owlivia. You're such a nice friend I have in bloggerland.

The rules for this award are:
1. thank the blogger who nominates you
2. list 7 random facts about yourself
3. nominate 7 other bloggers.

Here I present 7 more facts about me (I've written "7 facts" posts before).
1. I learn to do five basic wushu stances from the internet. I hope I can learn wushu in real class.
2. When I want to send snail mail to a penpal whom I meet in the internet, I use my campus address.
3. I'm lazy to change my profile picture in any social media.
4. I'm both liberal and conservative (what?) but I'm a bit more conservative.
5. I like to eat mushroom.
6. I love animal but I eat meat. If you call me hypocrite, that's okay. I respect your opinion.
7. I have a lot of T-shirts with "Solo" written on it. I think I will write about the T-shirts sometime.

Sorry, now I'm using phone so it's difficult to create link. I can't nominate other bloggers now.

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