Senin, 06 April 2015

20 Minutes to Free Write

The first assignment of Wordpress Writing 101 is to take twenty minutes to free write. Here I go.
It rains outside. An Indonesian puppet master, Sujiwo Tejo once said that "If you can't make a poem when it rains then you're ...." I forget what he actually said. It was something like "not romantic" or "doesn't have feeling", or something like that.
I've just realised that I've never posted my poem in this blog. The last time I wrote poem was in 12th grade. I was 17 or 18 at that time. That was a short poem like this


Pagi ini kulihat senja
Percayalah, itu senja



This morning I saw dusk
Believe me, that was dusk

I remembered that was a last-minute poem. I procrastinated a lot (I still do).

Back to the rain. If I have to write a poem about rain right now it would be like

Rain lightly
I'm not gloomy,
just sleepy

Duh. I need more practice in writing poem.

It's April 6th and I'm going to have pediatrics written exam on April 17th. I have to revise soon. 
I also have to think about what I should write in my undergraduate thesis. I consider psychiatry. I've thought about one title but I'm required to write three titles first. Those three titles will be validated then I will write thesis with only one title. Why three?!!

Talking about April. If I'm not mistaken, it's supposed to be a dry season in Indonesia. Correct me if I'm wrong. Global warming affect the seasonal change, I guess. You know, Sapardi Djoko Damono's poem "Hujan Bulan Juni" means June rain. What's so special about "June Rain"? When the poem was written, the seasons still changed regularly so June was a dry month. At that time, there was no rain on June. The poem "Hujan Bulan Juni" talks about June rain that longs for the flowery tree but it keeps its feeling secret. How do you interpret it? Who do you think June rain is?

Now I'm going to write a case report and look for the three titles, I guess.

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