Minggu, 31 Mei 2015

First Lipstick

Today, on Sunday, May 31st, my cousin got married. I attended the wedding and wore red lipstick.

Let's talk about my lipstick first because posting about wedding and marriage requires proper focus. I'm a little sleepy now.

I bought my lipstick on Thursday. It was my first time buying it. I have worn lipstick some times before but I never owned it. Also, I had never applied it myself.

At first, I wanted to buy a natural coloured lipstick. I browsed through lipstick shelves in the mall then I came to Pixy shelf. There were moisture lipsticks. A Pixy sales promotion girl approached me and showed me some of their products. After some talk, she recommended Pixy moisture lipstick R-03. It's red. She said it would look good on me and wouldn't make me look pale. I thought, "Why not?" I mean, I would only wear it on special occasion so red is fine.

When I first tried the lipstick, I failed. It was difficult at the first time. However, on my second try, I succeeded. I guess applying lipstick is a natural skill for woman. The colour looked good on me, in my opinion. 

A make up artist did my make up and hair today but this time, I used my own lipstick. My mom said, "You look pretty." Then I said, "Thanks. By the way, I wear my own lipstick. I bought it myself." She was a little annoyed and said, "Why did you buy that colour? You should have bought natural colour." I reason, "It's a wedding and red lipstick is all right."

Minggu, 24 Mei 2015

Saturday with Lady Slytherin

Yesterday, I attended a graphic design training and I ended up making a mess (duh). Thankfully, the mess was only in my laptop.

Lady Slytherin explained a little about event publication at the beginning. She also showed a video by Ryan Higa, "Most Annoying People On The Internet". Take time to watch the video. Are you one of those annoying people on the internet?

In the evening, Lady Slytherin informed me that I had left my pencil case and it was with her then. I told her that I would visit her boarding house to take it.

Before taking my pencil case, I went to Ngarsopuro. It's a night market in Solo, opened every Saturday. I wanted to look around and buy T-shirt for my mother. My mother gave me some money to buy her T-shirt but I forgot to bring the money. I was lucky that I brought my own money. Anyway, I couldn't find the T-shirt my mother wanted.

I also visited a cafe nearby. There was a charity concert held by Childhood Cancer Care. I bought a navy blue wrist band in their merchandise stand.

I then visiting Lady Slytherin. She gave me my pencil case and an example of thesis proposal. We had a little talk (I told her that I forget a lot lately; first I lost my driving licence, then I left my pencil case and my mother's money). After that we decided to go together. She chose a fast food restaurant and she took her Samsung tab and headset with her. She said, "I want to browse internet there." 

Arriving in the restaurant, she realised that she forgot to bring her wallet. We thought that my forgetfulness was contagious.

We still ate there anyway. We ate, talked, and read weird articles in the internet. We even dipped our potato in ice cream. It tasted sweet then salty.

Oh, you may think, "Why do you med students eat in fast food restaurant? You should give example of healthy eating habit." I myself rarely eat fast food and I think I have to write a post about healthy food later to counter this post.

Book Hunting with Book Mate

I wanted to post this on Friday but my internet connection was poor so I couldn't.

Last Friday, my book mate asked, "Is there any imported book Togamas bookstore?" I said, "I don't know. But if you want imported books, I know a store that sells used imported books." 

We then went to the store and spent hours there. She found many interested novel but ended up buying nothing. She actually wanted to buy a novel by Nicholas Sparks but she didn't buy because the paper was not in good condition. I bought a book talking about pants (of all the books in the store!!). The book contains stories we know such as Trojan Horse but it adds annoying story about pants. It really is annoyingly funny.

We then went to my home to pray and take a rest. After that, we visited a library. The library was quite famous among bookworms in Solo and it was our first time going there. Arriving there, we gasped. We were overwhelmed. We were excited that we considered living in the library to spend our time reading all of the interesting books. Again, we spent hours with the books.

My friend borrowed four books (crazy bookworm she is). I didn't borrow anything. I guess I will just come back again since the library isn't so far from my home.

Note: I call my friend in this post "book mate" because we often talk about the book we read or we want to read. We don't always like the same book. We just love to read.

Jumat, 22 Mei 2015

Cafe, Wifi, and Sore Throat

I have just attended a training on graphic design (I may tell more about it later). Now I'm in a cafe.

It's the fourth time I come here, third time I come alone. When I come alone, I bring my laptop since this cafe provide good wifi. I also type an article so I look like that professional writer or businesswoman who do their work in cafe.

I order a cup of hot chocolate and a plate of onion rings. Anyway, I have sore throat again so I want to apologize to anyone who will drink using the cup I now drink from. You may get sore throat, too. Let's hope the cup is washed clean before you drink from it.

Kamis, 21 Mei 2015

Three Kittens

I wrote a post about a cat that often visited my house.

Yesterday, on May 20th 2015 at night, she gave birth to three kittens. My father was the first to see them. I just found out this afternoon (poor me).

I haven't taken picture of the kittens. I think it would be better for them to cuddle with their mother without disturbance.

Selasa, 19 Mei 2015

Waiting for the Announcement

I haven't found out who my thesis first counsellor and first examiner are.

Let me explain first.

When a student create undergraduate thesis, there will be first counsellor, first examiner, second counsellor, and second examiner. The student will consult about thesis with the counsellors. Once the thesis is finished, the student will make a presentation and get asked by the examiners. 

In my campus, the first counsellor and the first examiner aren't chosen by the student. A department will announce who will be first counsellor and first examiners.

Parasitology, dentistry, and community health department have released the announcement. It means that my three friends: Lady Slytherin, Elsa, and Miss Perfume have found out who they will consult their thesis with and who will ask them questions and score them.

Psychiatry department hasn't. I still have to wait.

Oh, I almost forgot to tell about second counsellor and second examiner. Usually the student come to lecturers and ask whether they can be the second counsellor and second examiner. However, I haven't asked any lecturer yet because I'd better consult with my first counsellor first.

My Driving Licence was Found

In my previous post, I wrote about my lost driving licence. It has been found by my friend. I don't know how exactly my friend found it. I haven't met him. He still carries my driving licence. He told the news in Line group.

I'm just happy that it's found.

Senin, 18 Mei 2015

I Lose My Driving Licence

I ride motorcycle and I always bring my driving licence (or we can call it riding licence) and vehicle registration number. 

These few days, I didn't go out a lot. I only rode my motorcycle a few times and I wore brown trousers. I put my licence and number in the right trouser pocket.

I wore the trousers again today to my campus (yes, I have a habit of wearing the same trousers for some days) and when I took out my cellphone from the right pocket, I accidentally pull out my ID card and vehicle registration number. That time, I realised that my licence was no longer in my pocket.

It might have fallen somewhere. I don't know. I searched but I couldn't find it.

I have to go to police office tomorrow to report the losing and make a new riding licence.

Sabtu, 16 Mei 2015

My Story with Instagram

I have recently made instagram account to support my friend. My two friends join "Duta Mahasiswa FK" competition. It's like medical student version of beauty pageant but there are also male contestants. One of the judged criteria is how many accounts like their instagram photos. 

Those two friends are Denata and Gani. Both of them are also candidates of my campus representatives for Indonesian Medical Olympiad in digestive system field. Denata is also a dancer while Gani is a mountain climber.

You can see Denata's photo here and Gani's here. If you have instagram account, please support those two amazing people by liking the photos. 


My cousin is going to marry at the end of May.

Yesterday, we had Kumbakarnan. In Javanese tradition, Kumbakarnan is a meeting to discuss the wedding ceremony (what time and who will do what).

I'm somehow interested in the name Kumbakarnan. It's derived from Kumbakarna, one of Rahwana's brother, known for his big size and long duration of sleep. I guess the meeting is named Kumbakarna because it's held to prepare for a big event. Or is there any different explanation?

Erythro is on WordPress

I mention many times in this blog that I join a student journalism club in my campus. Now, my journalism club, Erythro, is on WordPress. The site is still blank now. Visit us here.
What theme do you think is suitable for our site? What widgets should we put there? It's intended to be a site for news and it's not a personal site. 

A Project and a Visit

A high school friend of mine who now studies industrial engineering had to do a research for her practicum and she needed some participants to answer questionnaire. She needed three people from medical faculty and she already found one. In this post, I will call her Miss Forever Friend because she has been my close friend since high school and she is adorable like the bear from Forever Friends. In fact, she and I together in picture look like the bears from Forever Friends.

On Thursday, I visited my junior to pay for journalism club uniform. Yes, she was my friend in journalism club. I told her about my friend's research and she said that she was willing to participate. I will call this friend Miss Positive Side since she could still be cheerful after losing her cellphone.

On Friday, Miss Forever Friend and I visited Miss Positive Side in her boarding house. I brought a big bag of chip and Miss Positive Side had many cookies and snacks. 

At first, we intended the visit to be quick. However, after we were done with the questionnaire, we talked a lot and ate a lot. We ate up Miss Positive Side's snacks and cookies (terrible guests, aren't we?). We talked about many things, from cellphone to fried noodle.

To be honest, I still wonder how we could manage to have great conversation. My friends just met each other for the first time but we weren't awkward. 

Another thing to remember, if Miss Forever Friend and want to visit you, we suggest you to hide some of your snacks. If you don't, they will vanish.

P. S. Miss Forever Friend is my friend whom I mentioned in my post "Marriage?"

Rabu, 13 Mei 2015

Unimportant News: Video Call with Elsa

Today I have a day off. Beside that, since traumatology block is over, I will also have a day off tomorrow. 
I'm bored.
Not that I want to go to campus. I'm not in a good mood to do anything today. However, a 27 second video call with Elsa has made my mood better. Well, for 27 seconds we just laughed. We didn't talk about anything particular.

Senin, 11 Mei 2015

After a While

I haven't posted anything for a while because I was ill. I'm still ill but I get better. It started with sore throat then I had terrible fever for a day. After that I coughed. Until now. 

That's all I can write. I'm going to sleep now. I will write more tomorrow (hopefully).

Sabtu, 02 Mei 2015

Songs, Letter, and Other Things

It's 23.57 here. Almost Sunday. I have no idea what I'm supposed to write but I will write anyway.

I open three tabs of YouTube video: Child in Time, The Heart Never Lies, and Beauty and the Beast (I realise it is the third time I talk about Beauty and the Beast song in this blog). "The Heart Never Lies" song by McFly is strong that I can't resist the urge to play it sometimes. I like the part, "If you wanna fight, I'll stand right beside you. The day that you fall, I'll be right behind you."

Yesterday (Friday) I received a short letter from a Taiwanese friend. I mean real letter, the one made of paper, not the electronic mail. The letter was given to me by a junior student. Wonder why? Let me tell you.

I don't share my home address to people I meet in the internet. I give them my campus address instead (I sound annoying). I sent my friend a postcard last year. She then sent me a postcard but for some unknown reason, I didn't receive it. The postcard may lose on its way to Indonesia. Last week, she told me in e-mail that she sent another card. I doubted that the card would arrive. Yesterday I attended a meeting of my journalism club and a junior student gave me an envelope. She said, "I came to student affair office and I saw it." I was so happy to receive that. There was a card with short letter in it. 

I watch the clock again and it's 00.37. It's Sunday now. I have to sleep. Talking about sleep, I remember my thesis. I searched journal article on sleep quality and I couldn't get full article since I have to pay to get it. 

Yesterday (Saturday), I didn't go out because it rained all day and I got sore throat. My throat got better after I eat hot soup and took paracetamol. 

I actually still have many works to do. I'll do it after I wake up in the morning (but it's already morning).