I said "Level up!" in Phil Lester's style by the way.
I'm a medical student who also learns languages -or- I'm a language learner who major in medicine. I thought, "Why don't I combine them: language and medicine?" so I dared myself to read a medical journal written in foreign language. This time I read a Russian medical journal.
Talking about medical journal, I admit that I'm not usually interested in it. I only read medical journal when I have to make a journal summary or when I need some information for group discussion. Let's see if I can be interested in medical journal later.
First I open Google Translate and type "Russian medical journal" then translate it into Russian. I search for the translation then I found Russian Medical Journal. I then click "Текущий номер" (current issue) and I read this paragraph:
08 июля 2014 г, № 15
Основной темой номера "Гастроэнтерология" являются нарушения микрофлоры желудочно-кишечного тракта. Особое внимание уделяется синдрому избыточного бактериального роста у взрослых и у детей, теории пишеварительно-транспортного конвейера и т.д. Среди других вопросов, рассмотренных в номере: функциональная диспепсия, принципы лечения диареи, возможности использования урсодезоксихолевой кислоты в клинической практике (реферат по материалам зарубежных исследований) и многое другое. Отдельно выделены смежные вопросы гастроэнтерологии: диабетический гастропарез и психические аспекты возникновения эзофагоспазма.
Now let's try to understand. I used the help of Google Translate to understand so if you know a better translation please comment.
At the top of the paragraph there is 08 июля 2014 г, № 15. I guess 08 июля 2014 means July, 8th 2014 but I don't know what г means. Reading the title: Гастроэнтерология, I could just know that it means gastroenterology, the subject I have to retake right after the next semester (duh).
The first sentence means, "The main theme in this gastroenterology edition is abnormality of digestive microflora." Important words: основной (the main), тема (theme; in the paragraph it's written as темой), нарушения (Google translates it as violation but I guess in the paragraph context it means abnormality), микрофлоры (microflora), желудочно-кишечного тракта (gastrointestinal tract).
What I get from the second sentence is that there is particular attention to syndrome of excessive bacterial growth in adult and children. I don't get the meaning of, "теории пишеварительно-транспортного конвейера и т.д." The word пишеварительно is corrected by Google Translate as пищеварительно and it means digestive. Транспортного means transport and конвейера means conveyor while т.д. is etc. Important words: синдрому (syndrome), избыточного (excess), бактериального (bacteria), рост (growth; in the paragraph it's written as роста), взрослых (adult), детей (children).
From the third sentence I know other issues considered are functional dyspepsia, principles of diarrhea treatment, and the use of ursodeoxycholic acid in clinical practice (essay based on foreign studies). Important words: функциональная диспепсия (functional dyspepsia), принципы (principles), лечения (treatment), диареи (diarrhea), использования (use), урсодезоксихолевой кислоты (ursodeoxycholic acid), клинической практике (clinical practice), реферат (abstract, essay), зарубежных (foreign), исследований (research).
I get from fourth sentence that there are issues presented separately (I think it's not a proper translation) related to gastroenterology: diabetic gastroparesis and psychological aspect of esophageal spasm occurence. Important words: смежные (related), диабетический гастропарез (diabetic gastroparesis), психические (mental), возникновения (occurence), эзофагоспазма (esophageal spasm).
Overall, the paragraph is a content summary of the journal, which, in July, focus on gastroenterology. The main theme is abnormality of digestive microflora with particular attention to syndrome of excessive bacterial growth. Other issues considered, which are based on foreign studies, are functional dyspepsia, diarrhea treatment, and use of ursodeoxycholic acid. The journal also presented diabetic gastroparesis and psychological aspect of esophageal spasm occurence.
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