In Harry Potter books we know that Hufflepuff values kindness, loyalty, hardwork, and justice. Sounds too nice, huh? I mean, compare those traits to Slytherin's ambition, Ravenclaw's intelligence, or Gryffindor's courage.
I'm a Hufflepuff and believe me, I once thought, "What 'badass' quality does my house have?" The answer to that question is, "Maybe none." If you insist, I can say that Hufflepuff's justice is badass but people often forget this one trait when they talk about Hufflepuff.
When talking about Hufflepuff, we often talk about kindness, loyalty, and hardwork. The harsh truth is some people view kindness as weakness. I need to learn more neuropsychiatry to find out why. Perhaps because kindness is associated with a child's innocence. That possible reason is, in my opinion, what makes Hufflepuff precious. This house understands that Hogwarts teaches children.
I found this tumblr post a while ago and I shivered with a little pride. It said, "Children. They were teaching children. Rowena, Godric, Salazar; they tended to forget that. .... 'I will take them all,' she said. .... 'I will teach them how to be the backbone, the heart of this world. I will teach them how to stand steadfast, when all hope is lost.' .... No, she knew theirs would not be an easy path, or a glorious one. They would have no songs. No great tales in books. No laurels. No consolation, no thanks. But they would be the reason why, when darkness finally came, all of them in all their different colours would stand shoulder to shoulder and draw their wands as brothers in arms. ...." I also recommend you to read the tag, seriously. Some of the tags say #and this my friend is why no one is quite sure what a hufflepuff really is #the answer is: everyone.
And that, my friends, is why I like being in Hufflepuff, being a Hufflepuff.
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